PEMF Studies

PEMF Therapy for Sexual Disorders

  • Sexual disorders encompass a range of issues that can affect sexual desire, performance, and satisfaction, including erectile dysfunction (ED), premature ejaculation, low libido, and sexual pain disorders. These conditions can have significant psychological and relational impacts, affecting individuals' confidence and intimate relationships.

  • While treatments often include medications, counseling, and lifestyle changes, PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) Therapy for Sexual Disorders presents a non-invasive, innovative option. By employing electromagnetic fields to enhance circulation, nerve function, and tissue repair, PEMF therapy aims to support sexual health and alleviate symptoms associated with sexual disorders, offering a complementary approach to traditional therapies.


  • Sexual disorders can result from a combination of physical, psychological, and relational factors. Physical causes may include hormonal imbalances, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, neurological disorders, and the side effects of certain medications. Psychological factors can encompass stress, anxiety, depression, and relationship issues. The complexity of sexual health necessitates a holistic approach to treatment, addressing both physical and emotional aspects.

How PEMF Therapy Can Help

  • PEMF Therapy has been explored for its potential to provide relief from sexual disorders by promoting blood flow, enhancing nerve sensitivity, and supporting tissue health. Improved circulation is particularly relevant for conditions like erectile dysfunction, where adequate blood flow is essential for achieving and maintaining an erection. Additionally, the therapy’s potential to stimulate nerve repair and reduce inflammation may help alleviate pain and improve sensation, supporting overall sexual function.

  • While PEMF therapy is not a cure for sexual disorders and should be used alongside other treatments, it offers a promising non-pharmacological option for individuals seeking to enhance their sexual health. For those interested in exploring innovative treatments for sexual disorders, PEMF therapy could provide significant benefits.

  • Explore our PEMF Devices, to find out more about this technology.


  • I.I. Gorpinchenko, The Use of Magnetic Devices in Treating Sexual Disorders in Men, Lik Sprava, (3-4), March-April 1995, p. 95-97.

  • I.I. Gorpinchenko, The Use of Magnetic Devices in Treating Sexual Disorders in Men,” Lik Sprava,  (3-4), 1995, p. 95-97.